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At VALENTINE we use the 'PIP & PAP' PHONICS programme to teach early reading. 

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We ensure that all children in our Nursery, Reception and Year 1 classes are taught phonic skills through a daily 20-minute phonic lesson. This develops the child's ability to tackle unknown words within a text by blending the phonemes (sounds) within the word. These phonic skills also enable a child to work out the phonemes they will need to use when they are writing words. Year 2 will continue with daily phonics sessions for those groups or individuals which require more support.

Once children are confident with saying the single letter sounds and blending them to create words, they then start to learn the common digraphs (where two letters go together to create a new phoneme such as sh), trigraphs (where three letters create a new phoneme such as igh) and spelling patterns that we use within the English language.

The key objectives in our phonic, reading and writing lessons are that children are taught to:
  • love books and enjoy listening to stories, poems and rhymes
  • read and write letter-sound correspondences quickly
  • decode effortlessly, spell and handwrite easily
  • comprehend what they read
  • read with fluency and expression
  • write confidently using oral rehearsal
  • work effectively with a partner or within a group to articulate their learning at every step

Programme structure
  • Pip and Pap Phonics is closely aligned to the structure of Letters and Sounds (2007) with some subtle changes.

  • There are four phases of study, generally studied by the majority of pupils during their time in Year R and Year 1.

  • The four ‘phases’ are known as ‘Orange Phase’, ‘Pink Phase’, ‘Green Phase’ and ‘Purple Phase’, which match the colour of the resources, for easy identification.

  • The blending of adjacent consonants in words (previously within Phase 4) is slowly introduced within the Orange Phase. This supports children to read with more speed and fluency whilst exposing them to an extended range of words to enhance their vocabulary.

  • All 119 decodable books are matched to the phases of study, broken down into different ‘sets’ of grapheme-phoneme correspondences.


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  • The Pip and Pap Phonics Programme is accompanied by a series of 119 bespoke decodable books to support reading practise. Children can apply their phonics learning to reading texts with confidence, as the books have been meticulously matched to run in tandem with the phonics scheme.

  • The sounds and progression within each phase is cumulative. No ‘Earth Words’ or grapheme-phoneme correspondences that have not yet been met are included within these texts.

  • Books are matched to each ‘set’ of sounds and each colour phase, as per the progression of the programme. Books from each particular set of sounds should be introduced after the relevant assessment, so that children can read the texts with confidence and increased fluency.

  • Within the ‘Orange’ Phase, there are also a set of ‘simplified’ books to support readers who may not yet be ready to read full sentences. These books have an identical plot line and images, but the text has been reduced to key words, as a scaffold to support the lowest 20% of readers, if needed.

  • The series of books are designed to reflect modern society. Themes of the stories are in line with British Values and school values, including those of respect and tolerance.

  • Every story has a ‘plot line’ that can easily be followed and does not require prior knowledge of the characters or setting. The engaging plot lines and immersive illustrations enable teachers to generate different comprehension questions across the different skill domains, to appropriately develop children’s comprehension skills alongside their decoding.


What about the lowest 20% of readers across the school?

Some children do not learn to read at the same rate or in the same way as their peers. It's more common than you think for a minority of pupils to struggle with phonics (blending sounds to create letters and words). 

Did you know - our Headteacher - Mr Constable-Phelps has dyslexia. He struggled with reading and writing as a child too. 

Where there are concerns over a child's ability to decode texts using phonics, we may speak to you about additional support strategies and diagnostic tests to ensure there are no further/underlying causes.


Providing to support to those who struggle to read

We have established systems to support the lowest 20% with improving their reading over time. We recognise that the best way to improve reading is through expert help rather than somebody without the skills trying to intervene. 

Support structures How does this work?
  • For those pupils who we believe phonics to be the best way forward, we have ensured that every teacher at Valentine Primary school is trained in using Letters & Sounds.  That means that whatever the year group - all children have access to a teacher trained in understanding how to deliver phonics interventions. Our TAs only support KS1 classes and those doing well. 
Pupils have additional phonics and reading delivery during the week. This is timetabled by the Year Group leader and takes place during an afternoon non-core subject. We ensure that children still have access to the knowledge and skills missed in the session - but recognise the need for children to read to access the whole curriculum!
  • Reading therapy groups - additional reading to an adult (volunteer, teacher, leader) who is trained in the mis-cue approach.
Reading regularly and out loud is vital to ensuring success. We expect every child to read for 15-20 mins per evening - but we know some do not. We monitor reading in each class - and work with parents and carers. However, where we see a deficit in the child being encouraged to read - this is picked up in school.

Reading Expectations - Please help your child!

Benefits of Reading Books: For Your Physical and Mental Health

Top tips for encouraging reading:

  • Read yourself! It doesn’t matter what it is – pick up a newspaper or magazine, take a look at a cookery book, read a computer manual, enjoy some poetry or dive into a romance or detective novel. And get your children to join in – if you’re cooking, could they read the recipe?

  • Give books as gifts. And encourage your children and their friends to swap books with each other – it’ll give them a chance to read new stories, and get them all talking about what they’re reading.

  • Visit the local library together. It’s always fun choosing new books to read, and keep an eye out for special author events at the library or local bookshops – children love meeting their favourite authors. 

What should I write in my child’s reading record?

Listed below are some comments which may help you when writing in your child’s Reading Record Book to describe how your child has read at home. It is important to record both positive and developmental comments:

  • Read familiar words independently

  • Able to predict what happens next in the text

  • Read with good expression

  • Showed good understanding of the text

  • Worked out new words independently

  • Worked out new words by sounding them out

  • Struggled to concentrate

  • He/she made a number of errors because he/she was not looking carefully enough

How often should my child read?

Your child should read every night as part of the home-school agreement and to ensure that they are developing their fluency - which is their ability to read with speed, accuracy, expression and precision.

We know that children who do not read every night do not develop a love of reading and this can prevent them from accessing the curriculum and achieving well in life.

We recommend that children read for 15-20 minutes each day.